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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Scrumptious Stuffed Okra / Bharela Bhinda

Vibrant Green Okra
Vibrant Green Okra

Cooking is an art that involves time and forbearance for the perfect balance of excellence and taste. I was wondering, does anyone feel as infuriated as I do about the sequence of cooking a dish and uncover on a plate without touching its limitations. Even a tiny herb can't be settled for less, I find that when edibles are cooked together in a certain way it brings out the x-factor of its own. This thought reminds me of Ratatouille – who is one of those characters who won't hog anything without checking its parameters. Why should we deal with the beautiful nature of goodies with a flat taste when the same item can be transformed into a delectable dose of happiness? Food doesn't call for exceptional ingredients, even an ordinary spice can change the flavor if cooked in a right proportion and approach.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Dill Leaves Dhokli

Dill Dhokli

Dill leaves when dropped in salad, curries or soup strengthens the overall spirit of nourishment. They are piled up with different nutrients adding value to our pink health. They taste excellent when added in keema or minced meat, Hashim enjoys the hint of its flavor in minced keema with pav which is the form of soft bread from inside and crispy layer from outside. If you want to dedicate the entire dish to this greens, there is a little trick - You can merely chop the leaves and toss together with few Indian seasonings or join my orbit and deliver this simple looking recipe into something rare and stunning.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Breakfast diaries - Yum Yum Old-Fashioned Doughnuts

 Soft - Yummy Doughnuts by The Hoggerz

This and chicken bread was our conclusion for our sunday breakfast. The husband and I have had several weeks of relentless work and entertainment. So it was with much joy that we had a slowdown weekend. Golden hour: The bright sun woke us early, we headed to brisk walking following with our yoga regime. Hashim craved for little cookie or a moderate piece of donut so I went straight to my kitchen and prepared these chocolate glazed donuts after all what counts is how you start your day.  It is one of Hashimz favorites, consistently delicious with excellent services *ofcourse. It is very simple to make and delicious way to start your day. The lamination on it is a pure art and we washed it down with latte which made it more alive and of course our last episode of Supernatural. We have held this season for so long, mainly because we didn’t wanted to be a part of the show’s shutter down. Throughout the episode, I was wondering where did the dog go! Also the finale was very much truncated without the existence of Crawly and his epic dialogue – “Hello Boys”, wherein the boys had a terrific ending. Despite all of this, GoT last scene similar iteration made easy for us to get the hang of the loose ends.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Easy to Go Munching Edible – Pan Fried Chivda

My home city Mumbai - celebrates all the festivities of life, and with that comes different options of farsan like chakli, bhakarwadi, gathiya, soya sticks, aloo bhujia, khakra, karanjis, various versions of chrunchy chiwda like farali chivda, corn flakes chivda, sago pearls chivda, poha chivda and lots more. Chivda is a great addictive and simple snack, loaded with iron, fiber, carbohydrates so it’s a win win. I personally love to nibble chivda when I’m bored or I want something to just keep me going.